Page name: You are not alone [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-07-18 08:22:11
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Welcome to "You are not alone"



you may ask yourself.

Why me? We ask ourselves..Whydoes it happen to me? Why is it me that is always lonely? Why is it me that is always picked on? Why Me?

You are not alone, it happens to us too. This Wiki has been changed and is now under new management. [Here's where the story ends] is the manager and founder still, however [Rain Kissed Angel] is the co-manager. This page is for all those people who have ever asked "Why Me?". This page is also for those who ask themselves "why am I alone" or "Why does no one care"? If you want help, sympathy, of just someone to talk to, we will speak to you. [Here's where the story ends].

Rules of commenting in my wiki. Anyone who does not adhere the rules, shall be banned.

1. No abuse to other members of ANY sort.
2. When typing a comment, you HAVE to type in PROPER english, with correct spelling.
3. NO "u" "lol" "lol" is allowed.
4. No comments such as, "@_@" unless it follows a full sentence.
5. Respect every members confidentiality.

This is the end of my rules for now. Unfortunately, I have to put rules up. As certain members were not following them.
Thank you.

This is a page dedicated to all the people who are suffering in the world. This is a page of respect to the mentally ill such as depression, anxiety, general concerns or health.

Are you feeling trapped in a black hole like this?

Well, you don't have to be feeling like that. No one has to feel like that.

You are a person with feelings that deserves respect.
Deserves love and deserves praise.
Do not let others get you down. This is an advice column for you to write down any personal concerns of yours. All of you, respect each others confidentiality, please. It is only fair.
If you wish to write to me personally if you have any difficulties or problems, then just click here: [Here's where the story ends] or [Rain Kissed Angel]
And, remember whatever you mail us it is strictly confidential.
Blessings, all.

Life can be dreadful at times. However, life can also be fun. Enjoyment of ones own abilities and capacities is the first stage to getting better or healing.


Be not afraid, you are not alone.

Let the Angels Guide you.

This Wiki Page is dedicated to my Grandmother. She was a wonderful healer. A wonderful person..
Look after yourselves all of you.

And remember...
No matter how lonely you are...
... You are not alone.

[Here's where the story ends]

1) [Rain Kissed Angel]: A helping hand
2) [Kitten Leath Feral]
3) [TheWrongGirl]
4) [sarah l b]
5) [ice on fire]
6) [DarkNightZ]
7) [fire sign]
8) [Hell's Risen Angel]
9) [Amber_eyes]
10) [kulianne]
11) [ryuuhou]
12) [Beyond the Surface]
13) [Glassphyxie.]
14) [ghostII]
15) [Peregrinus]
16) [Blond_ginger]
17) [khjrikdurterk]
18) [Ham]
19) [kitti] Lil' Angel!
20) [vash_159] dee's sexy boyfriend ^^
21) [Calarista]
22) [Our Lady of Sorrow]
23) [Indigo Butterfly]
24) [Arinique]
25) [Kurus_Dreaon]
26) [TheWrongGirl]
27) [bloody suicide]
28) [Rick-P]
29) [Acidic Khemica]
30) [Beetlejuice]
31) [blinx4436]
32) [Ghost II]
33) [Rondel]
34) [Enzo]
35) [AidanEnchanted]
36) [Kitten Leath Feral]
37) [Our Lady of Sorrow]
38) [fire sign]
39) [deleted, gone]
40) [~*~bricklor~*~]
41) [dendrite.]
42) [gek]
43) [Justly_Vain]

1) Coffee Bar
2) The Emotion Management Centre
3) Not Alone

NOTE: Why Me? Is also a place for help, if no one answers or is not available to help here please feel free to ask for help at Why Me?.

More members coming soon

[Here's where the story ends] Founder
[Rain Kissed Angel] Co-manager

Username (or number or email):


2004-08-24 [blinx4436]: youre dancing with no music...odd...

2004-08-24 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *smiles softly* Of course it is all about you...this is after all your fanpage. ;)

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yes i am...dancin without music can be fun to....and this aint my fan it?

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Well, you are all we have been talking about for number of pages, so why not. 

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ah i see...ok then....but it is still page for giving advise...even if its my fan page *nods and huggles kat*

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Of course...*wraps my arms around you tightly, hugging you back*

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: good...then its my fan page to muahahaha....i mean....uh hehe

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *bites down on your neck* No Muahahah's you hear me evil genius?

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: unmm....what muahahaha? idea what your talkin about *bites back* thats my job you

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *shivers slightly while smiling* I am the is my duty to bite...*moves my mouth up farther on your neck, biting down again*

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *smiles back* well....ill permit you to bite then....but i get to bite to

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *takes your earlobe in my mouth, nibbling on it gently* You will permit me to, eh? I will agree with your terms...

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: good *smiles and bites your shoulder gently*

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Kitty obedient..*runs my tounge along the rim of your ear, purring softly*

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *smiles and kisses your neck* good kitty

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Mmmmmeow...uh...maybe we shouldn't do this in here....*smiles mischivously*

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i think tht a good idea....ya think we should uh like delet some of this or is it ok?

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: think it would be better if we deleted some of this...I love this message right here...what if someone sees it whom..would take offense...

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: true...ver tre...shall we delet it all back to where it was before it began

2004-08-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Unfortunetly yes. *bites downon your neck one last time*

2004-08-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: bites back* ok luv

2004-09-01 [gek]: im back... :D

2004-09-02 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Welcome back!

2004-09-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yes..welcome back

2004-09-02 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *pounces on kur*

2004-09-03 [Kurus_Dreaon]: hehe *huggles kat*

2004-09-03 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *purrs softly in his ear* 

2004-09-04 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *smiles and huggles again* hehe

2004-09-04 [gek]: hmmm you're all still weird COOWL

2004-09-04 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *giggles as I wrap my arms around kur's neck*   Well, we can't change that fast! ^_^ heheh. 

2004-09-06 [Kurus_Dreaon]: why would we want to eh?

2004-09-06 [Kitten Leath Feral]: I have no idea. ^_^

2004-09-07 [Rain Kissed Angel]: *pratices song for chior*

2004-09-07 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *plugs ears*

2004-09-07 [Rain Kissed Angel]: *punchs kat in the arm* HEY!! I'm not that bad!!

2004-09-07 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Meouch! *pounces up into the rafters*

2004-09-07 [Kurus_Dreaon]: lol...hmmm

2004-09-07 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *reaches down grabbing ahold of Kur and pulling him up with me*

2004-09-08 [Kurus_Dreaon]: WHOA *gets up to rafters* hello hehe *watches the ppl down below them*

2004-09-08 [Kitten Leath Feral]: heheh, hello.  *huggles kur's arm while resting my head on his shoulder* 

2004-09-09 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *puts arm around kat and smiles* tis a nice view from here

2004-09-09 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Uh huh. *makes sure there are no girls standing below us then kisses him softly on the cheek* 

2004-09-10 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *smils and hugs kat kising her back gently*

2004-09-10 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *moves my mouth to your ear, whispering softly* Love you. 

2004-09-11 [Rain Kissed Angel]: hey, this place is to help ppl, not hump them, please get a room.

2004-09-11 [Avoral]: Yeah, Dee does have a point. I'm not one to step into the middle of things, nor would I really denounce anything that's going on with no good reason, but I do believe that getting all hot and cybering might dissuade anyone who's got a problem from coming in.

2004-09-11 [Kurus_Dreaon]: no cybering...just mesin around in a non sexual manner is that so wrong??...but alas i see your point dee...sowwy

2004-09-13 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Errmm...I do too....and I appologize....errmm...perhaps sean was right...T_T

2004-09-13 [Kurus_Dreaon]: really?...about what

2004-09-13 [Kitten Leath Feral]: errrmm....I will tell you isn't bothering as much as it was. *hugs* 

2004-09-14 [Rain Kissed Angel]: no se3an wasnt right, that stupid ass dike! *growls* and....i forgive you *hides smile*

2004-09-14 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Thank you for doing so, and for "slapping" him. It really does mean alot to me. *huggles* 

2004-09-14 [Rain Kissed Angel]: *huggles* he is lucky that is all i did to him.

2004-09-14 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ???? what did he do????

2004-09-15 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *bites lip then messages you*

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: he is a stupid ass dYke *emphizes the Y*

2004-09-15 [Kitten Leath Feral]: actually, he seems kinda intellegent, but he is impudently arrogant

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: hey kat, kiss my ass!!! or not. ^'^

2004-09-15 [Kitten Leath Feral]: i think I will choose not too, but thank you anyway.

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: O.o

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: hehehehe!! hiya blinx ^^

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: hello dee.... wow, i havent commanted in a while, have i?

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: i guess not ^^''

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: yup.... so how ya doin?

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: I'm ok ^^ how's you doing?

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: im doin fine... XD

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: ^^ thats good!

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: yupers... anything new?

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: nothing on my half of the world.....yeah....... >,<

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: same here.... just boredom that keeps us here, then...

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: yeah, damn bordem!!!

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: i always sneaks up on you, when youre least expecting it...

2004-09-15 [Rain Kissed Angel]: ^^ yeah,

2004-09-15 [blinx4436]: -.-

2004-09-16 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *falls out of the rafters* Ahhh!

2004-09-16 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *catches kat before she hits the ground* hiya lol

2004-09-16 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *a gentle smile dances across my lips as I melt in Kur's arms* Thank you. =^.^=

2004-09-17 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Your more then welcome....this ground is kinda hard i know lol

2004-09-17 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Perhaps they should install some carpet then, with extra thick padding beneath it.

2004-09-18 [The Virus Of Life]: how are you all getting on? are you all feeling well tonight? if you are thats good if not then its not the end of the world it will get better. !

2004-09-18 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Erm, I am afraid that you do have a point there...I don't think you would say something with out having was my point though?

2004-09-19 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ROFL

2004-09-19 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *lays down on couch and falls asleep*

2004-09-21 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *smiles and sits in chair beside couch*

2004-09-21 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *wakes up to find Kur asleep in the chair close by, a loving smile decorating my face...gets up kneeling at his feet, my head resting on his knees*

2004-09-22 [EmJ Taylor]: Shrine of Emma  LOOK AT MY NEW PHOTOS ALL OF YOU!  I have not been here for ages. Sorry, kiddos. Hope you are doing well. If you don't remember me, I am the one who... created this wiki. LOL!

2004-09-22 [Rain Kissed Angel]: I like your new pic.'s ^^

2004-09-22 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *wakes up and smiles at kat and runs my fingers through her hair*

2004-09-22 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *purrs softly as your fingers run through my hair, lifting my head up slightly to smile up at you I cup one of your hands in mine holding it gently to my cheek* Didn't mean to wake you, love.

2004-09-23 [Kurus_Dreaon]: its ok....i dont mind *slides off the chair to sit next to kat and smiles*

2004-09-23 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *smiles softly as I take your hand, intertwining our fingers and rests my head on your shoulder* okay.

2004-09-23 [Rain Kissed Angel]: ............

2004-09-24 [Our Lady of Sorrow]: ok.. this is disturbing... i really hope u two are romanticaly involved or im just going to be really scared

2004-09-24 [Kurus_Dreaon]: acutualy we just met....ya know the otehr yeah *grins*

2004-09-24 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *smiles* I wake up with my head in strangers laps all the time....

2004-09-24 [Kurus_Dreaon]: and my lap was more then happy to be the stranger this time *nods*

2004-09-24 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Yes, stranger..your lap was quite comfortable. Mind if I make you my full time job? *tries to hide smile* 

2004-09-24 [Rain Kissed Angel]: kat, kur, i will ask you this for the last, please make no sexual commets, suggestions, or hints in this wiki. This wiki is to help ppl, not to skrew them.

2004-09-24 [EmJ Taylor]: Hahahaha! Dee, don't be so hard on them. They are allowed to post their feelings. ;-) [EmJ Taylor] Founder.

2004-09-24 [Rain Kissed Angel]: But, really, it is getting kinda sickning. O.o

2004-09-25 [Kurus_Dreaon]: im real sorry dee....ill stop

2004-09-25 [Rain Kissed Angel]: Thank you Kur. And it is ok. *hugs*

2004-09-25 [Kitten Leath Feral]: ok..

2004-09-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i really need to stop that lol...sorry kat *hugs both dee and kat*

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Yeah, me too...heh....seans words are still going through my head..

2004-09-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yeah lol

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *lays down on the hard floor trying not to think about sexual comments...then thinking about the ones not to say to kur in here*

2004-09-26 [Rain Kissed Angel]: -_-'

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *grins* I am just kidding...I will honestly try to quit...and you know I am struggling to control myself...

2004-09-26 [Rain Kissed Angel]: yeah....i know *looks at you evily*

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *tear rolls down cheek* Please don't remind me of that lapse..

2004-09-26 [Rain Kissed Angel]: *pokes your eye* stop you dingle berry!

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *more tears* Drac just abandoned me....

2004-09-26 [Rain Kissed Angel]: -_-' nstop being a baby

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: know that is what I am afraid of most...

2004-09-26 [Rain Kissed Angel]: shut up you know you can get sickning......*shakes head* kat, he is your online frined, he is here at ET, he will be at et, he had to go, like you and i, he cannot stay on all the freaking time, gewt over yourself!!!!!

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: No...a girl....he was one of the only ones that actually cared about me...

2004-09-26 [Rain Kissed Angel]: *shakes her head* that may be what you think......but many ppl care about you

2004-09-26 [Rain Kissed Angel]: ...what would kur say if he saw that?

2004-09-26 [Kitten Leath Feral]: ....Kur knows that I care for other people as well, he also knows who I care most for.  I am talking about really caring Dee....not just oh I hope she is alright.

2004-09-27 [Kurus_Dreaon]: Somehow i think i missed something here...not to interject at all...but i think i shall

2004-09-27 [Kitten Leath Feral]: I think I should be the one to explain. My friend Dennis all a sudden has a girlfriend and I felt an old toy that isn't wanted anymore. Heh, you of all people...even including dee, know more about how much I fear abandonment...I was scared and broke down...I am better now though. I am even hoping to become friends with his new girl. 

2004-09-28 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ah i see...yeah uh wasnt really my place to poke...but sorry ya felt that way....i understand though.....and im glad its better

2004-09-28 [Avoral]: Well, one thing in particular you must realize is the nature of the "widening gyre," as it is sometimes expressed. As you travel along it, things you may have one day been almost inseparably close to become distant, no longer able to be the prevalent focus of your life like before. Part of being ready for life is being ready to accept that fact and understand without a tear that things like that happen. If it's meant to come back, however, there's no need to stop it. That happens too! ^_^

2004-09-29 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Yeah, you are correct Av...I get attached so easily though...Oh, I won't be on much for a father isn't "allowing" Dee or I to be on ET until he says otherwise....I wish he would quit treating me like such a child. I think I am going to move out soon...I know my grandparents could use my help up in IL. They at least respect me. 

2004-09-30 [Avoral]: Well hey, if you do it, do so cordially. Don't just blow up and stomp out. And yeah, I know how it is to get easily attached. Hehe...

2004-09-30 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Heh, that is a funny blowing up and stomping out...I would never be able to do that, I am just not that type of person. I would just wait until I go to long as I don't break down completely...

2004-10-02 [Kurus_Dreaon]: well i hope ya the kinda guy that will blow up and stomp out....ill just lise it scream at my parents for being the ppl they are and rab some stff and be gone.....but thats me...and its not a good thing

2004-10-04 [Kitten Leath Feral]: ERm, I am not sure which one is more unhealthy Kur...^^" *huggles* (That was non-sexual Dee...) 

2004-10-04 [EmJ Taylor]: Hey, folks. How are you all doing in here? Remember me, the founder? ;-) Hope you are all well. Tell me your progress and how you are doing compared to a few months ago. Tell me what's been going on. Regards.

2004-10-04 [Avoral]: I'm doing wonderfully at the moment. [Anonymous] is wiping my friends' and my wikis, destroying the houses of said friends, and unjustly changing passwords of purely innocent people (all examples of abuse of guard power) just because of a personal vendetta. Needless to say, I'm having fun toying with him.

2004-10-05 [Kurus_Dreaon]: im ok.....i think...not odd that way...never know...cuz it all changes *hides and peaks out*

2004-10-06 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *grins* Toying with people can be very..entertaining. Do becareful though Av, not to get the guards wrath cast upon your friends...


2004-11-07 [EmJ Taylor]: Go on, then. Liven this place up again.

2004-11-07 [Acidic Khemica]: ..........

2004-11-08 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i know what ya mean....ppl arent talkin lets start that back are ya?

2004-11-08 [Acidic Khemica]: okay hi..i am doing alright and you?

2004-11-08 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Who wants to do the hokey pokey? 

2004-11-08 [Acidic Khemica]: lol! i do!!

2004-11-09 [Kurus_Dreaon]: yay for the hokey pokey lol

2004-11-09 [Acidic Khemica]: lo

2004-11-10 [Kurus_Dreaon]: tis a fun dance

2004-11-10 [Kitten Leath Feral]: And can be very dangerous when done on skates!, everyone find a partner..

2004-11-10 [Acidic Khemica]: um okay..

2004-11-11 [Kurus_Dreaon]: ok *grabs kat* lets go

2004-11-11 [Acidic Khemica]: -watches-

2004-11-12 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *smiles* Now now, who will be the instructor? 

2004-11-13 [Kurus_Dreaon]: i havent a clue as i cant dance

2004-11-13 [Acidic Khemica]: lol

2004-11-14 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *grins*

2004-11-14 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *smiles softly* Well, would you care to give it a try, dancing, I mean.

2004-11-15 [Kurus_Dreaon]: id love to madam *bows*

2004-11-15 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *curtsies then reaches out my hand*

2004-11-16 [Kurus_Dreaon]: *takes your hand* lead away

2004-11-17 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *smiles while blushing* Erm...are we going to do the hokey pokey...?

2004-11-18 [Kurus_Dreaon]: if thats what ya wanna dance then we dance the hokey pokey *dances* ya put your rigth arm in ya put your right arm out, ya put ya right arm in and ya shake it all about, ya do the kokey pokey and ya turn yourself around....thats what its all about

2004-11-18 [Kitten Leath Feral]: YeeHaw!!!!!!! *covers my mouth* Ooops. heheh

2004-11-26 [Kurus_Dreaon]: lol you go

2004-12-10 [EmJ Taylor]: I need some more members for this wiki. I feel that it is being used as a "dance/playtime" wiki. I created this in order to help other people. Please, try to remain on topic. ;-)

2004-12-11 [Kitten Leath Feral]: *smiles* Okay, I will. ^_^

2004-12-11 [EmJ Taylor]: plus, make more members for this wiki, Kat. Tell more people about it!

2004-12-12 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Okay, I will start advertising. ^_^

2004-12-13 [EmJ Taylor]: Thanks. =)

2004-12-13 [hollowobsession]: hi! New here.

2004-12-13 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Hello there, how are you doing? ^_^

2004-12-15 [Kyromanic]: hello. I guess I'm new here too

2004-12-16 [EmJ Taylor]: Welcome, Kyromanic. I am the creator. :P

2005-01-05 [SweetTearsFlow]: Um how may we join?

2005-01-05 [EmJ Taylor]: Hey, well, you can be put on the list if you want. =) I will do that for you as I am the creator. And, welcome!! =)

2005-01-06 [SweetTearsFlow]: Thank you

2005-01-06 [Acidic Khemica]: ..........

2005-01-06 [EmJ Taylor]: How are you, sweet tears?

2005-01-06 [SweetTearsFlow]: I have had better days

2005-01-06 [EmJ Taylor]: Me too. Know that if you ever need some advice or help with anything, you can message me personally. And, everything will be confidential. ^_^  ;o) and, thank you for joining my wiki! =)

2005-01-06 [Acidic Khemica]: *sits*..............

2005-01-15 [~Online Turd~]: yeah this wiki is cool

2005-01-15 [~Online Turd~]: well i think so any way but we gotta keep it running a bit more, like new members and stuff

2005-04-10 [happygal]: hello im new here so what are you talking about

2006-03-01 [Crimson Angel]: Was wondering if you could like my wiki The Lonely and Forgotten to the links on this page

2006-03-01 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Wow, it has been more than a year since I had last posted here.

2006-03-01 [Avoral]: Wow. Same here.

2006-03-01 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Well, since I just got back on ET about a week or so ago, I guess it isn't quite as wow as I first thought. But none the less.

2006-03-02 [Avoral]: Oh yeah. Same here.

2006-03-02 [Kitten Leath Feral]: ^_^

2006-03-08 [EmJ Taylor]: LOL, well i still like this wiki! we need to get it like running

2006-03-08 [Avoral]: Yeah, sounds like a plan.

2006-03-08 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Indeed! This place helps me out, too, as I am helping others. 

2006-06-13 [IX.Dollface]: Can I join??

2006-06-13 [EmJ Taylor]: Of course, dear.

2007-11-04 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: hello?

2007-11-27 [Our Lady of Sorrow]: ellos!

2007-11-27 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: hi

2008-03-24 [Kitten Leath Feral]: 'Ello loves!

2008-03-24 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: sup

2008-03-24 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Hey! How are you doing today?

2008-03-24 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: eh, my gf won't talk to me, even when she calls my cell.

2008-04-10 [Kitten Leath Feral]: Sorry that I wasn't able to get back to elftown sooner....but, she won't talk to you even when she calls your cell phone? I presume that you mean that she refuses to talk about things that outside of the standard "How was your day?"

2008-04-10 [NukleaЯ EveЯgloW™]: no, i meant she won't say anything.
and things were ok for a bit, but now,
she doesn't want to talk to anybody...

2008-08-27 [EmJ Taylor]: I remember this page LOL

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